Ut Oh the Box is Open....
So I recently heard the founder of a new web startup on Rachel Maddow's (the best host on Air America) Air America Show. He was some dude who had worked on the music genome project and just launched a new website Pandora that used the technology. This website is amazing, go to it right now and start playing! You type in a artist or song and then based on that it starts playing songs you may like based on some algorithm i can't even hope to understand or explain. Once the tracks start flying you can vote thumbs up or down which further tells the program what to throw at you. When you give a song a thumbs down it skips it! You can also add the song to a favorites list to catalogue stuff you like and discover. The site also has easy one click buttons to amazon, itunes and all music guide for your buying and researching needs. Its just a ton of fun!!!!!!!!
Its free to start an account and it saves your stations as presets once you've started the feed, so later it will remember what you have already done.
I started two stations, one off the Dead Boys Sonic Reducer and another of Bobby "Blue" Bland.

They also have a blog that gives updates and allows users to give feedback.
Yours in Digital Music,
Chris Larry