Wasn't I Rock Scribe Hat Trick
Again killing time in the Bank Street College of Education library. I love setting myself up in a little corner computer here b/c I can plug in my ipod so I actually have enough juice to get home with and still listen. I have a million homework style things I could be doing right now like "Reflecting on my Experience with Representational Collage" or reading about language development in 3 year olds. If this wasn't my last semester I would consider murder-sucide in the middle of one of my classes. I have been embroiled in the group project from hell. I won't bore you with the details. What was so wrong with an underemploted rock critic/record store clerk anyway? Ok on to the random...
Michael Shelly The Pill Too Many Movies: I love this dude. Very Ben Vaughn/Jonathan Richman, sappy poppy tunes. Always funny. Lately I have been trading messages with him on my space. He even remembered me from some positive reviews I gave him in Eye Deal. He said the Hecklers sounded like the Queers, Nice! Our drummer Paul actually played bass on his first album. Wierd huh? Search the dollars bins for his work.
The Detroit Cobras Find Me A Home Love Life and Leaving: One of the many things I love about the Detroit Cobras is how they always jump out of the headphones like an alley cat. Their albums are produced L-O-U-D. Recently saw them for the first time and loved it. Recent platter was produced by Greg "Oblivion" Cartwright which is like a double helping of fun. My buddy Plumley hates th Cobras.....that dude is wierd!
Paul Westerburg Now I Wonder Folker: By the last major label album by Westerburg I had pretty much written him off as a has been. But ever since Stereo/Mono (including all the Grandpa Boy material) he is having a middle age rebirth that has him again burrowed deep into my aging heart. Rumors of his return drinking may be the reason for his return to greatness. I have so mush of his material on my robot friend he comes up like every 5 songs.
Anita Lane Do That Thing Sex O'clock: Another side product of my advancing age has been my new found love of slightly trip hoppy-poppy femal vocalists. I know the 24 year old chris would kick my ass but so be it. It all started with that damn Dido single. Ms. Lane is an australian sex pot that has worked with Nick Cave amd Mick Harvey. This album makes me so horny its insane. From the first bar of any song on the album I get a rumbling in my loins. Good choice for val day CAL! The lyrics are all about karma sutras, group sex, nipples tweaks....ok I better control myself an elderly woman just sat in the computer next to me...
Peggy Seeger Gonna Be An Enginner Smithsonian Folkways Sampler: Great early feminist folk rant about a smart las who was forced into marriage/kids by society instead of following her dreams of being an engineer. I can never figure out if she means train conducter or the more techinal type of engineer. I guess it doesn't matter the points the same either way. This song even deals with the glass cieling when she is forced back into her dream due to her husband being laid off. "Fight them as a woman, not a lady" Sing it sister! My fave early pre war feminist rant is the Carter Family's Married Girl/Single Girl.
Nina Persson I Could Buy You Unreleased: This song is like one of my all time fave songs. This comes from a solo album by the Cardigan's singer that never came out, stateside at least. My buddy Sopkia championed this album in the 'industry" but could never get it sold. Amazing soft rock country pop (see above for my girl singer sweet tooth) with amazing lyrics about a girl willing to pay some hottie to hang out with her. See is even willing to pay his friends just so he won't leave. I wish I was that guy sounds like heaven, 'Hey Nina the new XBOX just came out and we need more weed, look I promise I will bang you later but I am just about to kill Sauron"
Watts Monkey Chain ST: This band rose from the ashes of the mighty Mono Men. This album is balls out punk n roll fun. An anthmatic fuck you to the work a day birth taxes death world.
The A-Bones Maintaing My Cool Daddy Wants A Cold Beer: The A-Bones do the Sonics! Garage Rock at its primal party best.
The Nerves One Way Ticket Children of Nuggets Box Set: The Nerves (Jack Lee/Paul Collins/Peter Case) were one of the original and best power pop combos. They are best known as the band that wrote and recorded "Hangin on the Telephone" that Blondie made famous. All three members went on to do other things (Paul Collins Beat/Case The Plimsouls/Jack Lee solo) before they could take over the world, and I am always on the lookout for their one 7" EP even at collector prices. This track is like the coolest thing I have ever heard and could be my anthem about how I feel about my last semester of grad school.
OK, time for "Art for Teachers" Y-U-C-K!
Till next time,
Teacher Man Larry
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