Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Nats Win! Kids Rock! Republicans Suck! Jeff S. Strikes Back

Nats Fever Baby and I have caught it!!!!!!!!! I have waited my whole life for DC baseball and tonight the Nationals kicked some serious Phillies ass!!!!!!!!!! Wilkerson does it style by hitting for the cycle!

My Fave Nats:

1. Nick Johnson: Love his old school vibe and his socks. Hope he stay healthy
2. Brad Wilkerson: The superstar
3. Jose "Bad Attitude" Giullen: Hopefully he wont deck Frank Robinson
4. Brian Schnieder: Defense wins baby!
5. Terminal Sledge: Every team needs an underdog

Great article in the Washington Post about a "school of rock" in Bethesda, MD. Great band names by these tweeners: Suburban Rage and Wanted By the State. Sure beats Soccer practice. Don't miss the photo gallery.

(PS: Lots of Washington Post links, you will need a free acount)

So the Republicans have to fess up to the Schiavo memo. Between this and the threatening of Judges they have had a bad week, finally. These idiots need to be stoped. The Dems must start having some guts and going on the attack. In my opinion they have a shot at regaining congress in the mid term elections but they MUST START NOW. PLEASE DEMOCRATS WAKE UP!!!!! HOWARD DEAN WHERE ARE YOU???????????

Squids, Snakes & Sharks: I know Jeff S. wants me to quit yapping about him but his recent blog move to nature reporting is one of the best things I have seen on the web in awhile. Here is hoping he keeps it up. The combo of amazing pics, experts and sharp writing have me clicking on his blog for much more than just a shot of rage to wake up in the morning.

Wow just noticed what a D.C.-CENTRIC blog entry this is. NATS BABY!

Yours in Jose Vidro,
Hard Rooting Larry